As every Monday, I had my Innovation and ICT class. We talked about Innovation in Education which I think is a really interesting topic. If I think of the word innovation I immediately think of CHANGE. For me, innovating is to be able to transform the way we have been taught and apply new methodologies and materials in the class. However, I find disappointing that some teachers stick to what they know, and aren't willing to innovate in the class.
When I was a student in high school, the teachers I remember the most are the ones who tried new things to engage us with the subject. One that I will never forget, is my French teacher who told us to make a movie using the grammar and vocabulary studied during the year. If I look back, I guess that was quite innovating because instead of doing an essay or an exam, he decided to do something different.
Also, I would like to write about a term related to education and that I didn't know about: "Grit". I would have not imagined what it was, and I don't think I would have heard of it if it wasn't for our class. It made me think that every person, not just teachers, should be "gritty" because of what I learned, "grit is passion and perseverance for long-term goals" (Angela Lee Duckworth). When we think of "long-term goals" it can seem tiring because we live in a society where we want everything with immediate results. We are a "live in the moment society", and people don't think very much about the future consequences or things they want to do or to achieve.
But, isn't life about planning? Since we are little, our parents start planning our future by sending us to school, and all the decisions we make when we reach an adult life is about the same. We plan everything, from the food we are going to have for lunch to what we are going to be or to do in our lives. I think that all our education is a plan to reach our goals, and to try to be happy in our future life.